Hydraulics Repair Services

Hydraulics Repair

Hydraulics can be found in nearly all industries, including Agricultural, Aircraft, Automotive, Mining, Paper, Roofing, and Printing applications. And while these industrial machines tend to be paramount in the manufacturing process for most companies, the constant wear and tear in the hydraulic components makes the machinery susceptible to downtime when the parts are not protected from friction and heat. The primary benefit of plating hydraulic cylinders with chromium is that it helps reduce friction or lack of fluidity so that the equipment operates at optimal performance. In fact, OEM’s use chromium plating to increase the longevity and efficiency of moving parts, and to prevent premature system failures.

We offer a cost-effective solution to repair, restore and extend the life of Hydraulic Cylinders. Our Chromium Plating services will include precision grindin to remove all signs of wear or corrosion. Next, the part will be processed in the hard chrome electroplating chemistry. Finally, the part will be post-plate ground to the specified dimension and tolerance. In addition to restoring the equipment and increasing the longevity of the equipment, our satisfied customers are experiencing cost savings up to 75% of new part replacement.

Hard chrome characteristics for Hydraulic Parts:

  • Reduce friction.
  • Improve corrosion resistance. 
  • Improve surface hardness.
  • Build thick deposits.
Hydraulic Repair Before


Hydraulic Repair After


Hard Chrome Plating Services

  • .Up to .060” Chrome thickness
  • Diameter capacity up to 45”
  • Length capacity up to 32’
  • Up to 4000 lbs
Hydraulics Repair Example 1
Hydraulics Repair Example 2
Hydraulics Repair Example 3

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