Precision Grinding

Our Precision Grinding department can process parts in a cylindrical grinder or a center-less grinder. The precision grinding machines can handle small parts weighing only a few ounces, to parts that weigh 10,000 lbs. A wide variety of part sizes and configurations can be ground. The part size capabilities range from .5" in diameter up to 41" in diameter. These sizes can be a variety of lengths dependent upon the machine selected for the operation.

Holding close dimensional tolerances is standard operation at Chromium Plating Company! Each part is inspected for conformance to your requirements. In addition, for very low surface finishes, a super-finisher is part of our equipment inventory. This machine can produce a surface finish down to 4 Ra!

Call us today at 800-331-2789 to discuss your specific requirements

Precision I. D. Grinder

b. Inside Diameter grinding (I.D.) is the process of grinding the inner diameter surface of a part. It is one of the most difficult types of grinding processes in the industry. Precision in this process is a must to get the job done according to the customer's specifications. When the tolerances can range to +/–0.0001; all settings and sequential steps must be managed second by second ; until the job is done.

Precision Grinder

The precision grinder operator checks the critical dimensions on this part. The specifications require three diameters to run within .0005" concentricity to each other, as well as to hold final tolerance within .0005" in diameter.

Centerless Grinder

  • 1/4" to 6" Diameters
  • .0005" OD Tolerances
  • 14' Length Capacity

Our Commitment to Quality

Our efficiency and outstanding attention to detail allow us provide you with the highest quality processing of your parts, how you need them and when you need them.

Process & Capacities:

  • 41" diameter capacity
  • 186" length capacity
  • .0005 OD Tolerance

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